Development of a new electrodeposited coating based on sol-gel technology (ELECTROGEL).

The Eurostars ELECTROGEL project has been funded by Enterprise Ireland (for Irish partners) and CDTI (for Spanish partners, MUGAPE and MAIER).

The aim of the project is to adapt a sol-gel formulation developed by TU-DUBLIN and KASTUS (the Irish partners) for applications on MUGAPE (aluminum) and MAIER (ABS) substrates. The idea is for this technology to provide the necessary conductivity to be electrodeposited and achieve a coating efficiency close to 100%. These formulations, more sustainable than those currently available, will protect surfaces against corrosion, reducing CO2 emissions by 40% and saving up to 20% in costs.

The geometric complexity of chrome-plated polymer and aluminum parts, used in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and construction, poses a challenge when applying coatings that provide the necessary corrosion resistance to meet the stringent requirements of these industries. Sol-gel coatings are an effective alternative to anti-corrosion paints, but conventional application methods, such as spraying or dipping, have limitations and do not penetrate the entire surface of the part when its geometry is complex. As a result, over time, parts deteriorate, reducing their lifespan, or simpler designs are manufactured to overcome this difficulty.

To address this, TU-DUBLIN has worked on incorporating conductive additives of different natures, while the Irish company KASTUS has been responsible for scaling up the process of preparing the new formulation. MAIER and MUGAPE have validated the new formulation on chrome-plated polymer and aluminum parts, respectively, for the transport and construction sectors. This innovative formulation and application method will reduce CO2 emissions by 40%, energy consumption by up to 15%, and costs by up to 20%.

Additionally, CIDETEC Surface Engineering, as a collaborator of MAIER and MUGAPE, has provided its expertise in sol-gel and electrodeposition to the project.

After completing the project, it was concluded that further studies on new geometries and substrates are needed before the industrial implementation of the developed processes. In any case, this new technology opens up new possibilities in the field of surface treatment, both in terms of the chosen formulation and the application procedure.

MUGAPE thanks CDTI and Enterprise Ireland for their support, without which this research would not have been possible.

Photo courtesy of CIDETEC Surface Engineering.


Research & Technological Developments for Electric Aircraft

The aim of the E-Flight project is to anticipate and respond to the challenges that the electrification of aeronautical propulsion systems will generate in the aerostructures sector by developing products, assemblies, and functional solutions with high technological content required by electrified aircrafts. The electrification of propulsion systems is a key element in the decarbonisation of air transport. It has a direct impact on aircraft emissions, and it offers ways to make aircraft operation more efficient and quieter, as well as to reduce maintenance costs. All these objectives require research and exploration in key areas for aircraft operability and efficiency (e.g., aerostructures and auxiliary systems). The adoption and integration of 100% electrical systems with new components, sizes, and power never before used in aircraft will generate new constraints on the aircraft structure.

In the future, the aerostructure will be heavily shaped by the electric propulsion system, and the associated energy storage system, which will have to be built into the aircraft (i.e., battery pack). The battery pack is a product that has matured in other sectors (e.g., the automotive industry), and as such, it will have to be adapted for safe integration into the aircraft. Moreover, all auxiliary systems (e.g., the anti-icing system) must be electrified and follow a parallel integration path. E-Flight is an initiative of four Basque companies (e.g., AERNNOVA, INNOMAT, MUGAPE, and ORKLI) that research and develop new materials, manufacturing technologies, and aerostructure configurations. These are capable of integrating energy storage and electrical systems, which are critical for electric aircraft in the future. The challenge is to configure a lightweight battery pack to perform the structural function of weight-reduction contribution. Another challenge is to integrate elements (e.g., the propulsion system) with the battery packs and auxiliary systems (e.g., wiring, safety, and thermal management elements) without compromising the weight and/or manoeuvrability of the aircraft.

This project is a collaboration between MUGAPE and the Tecnalia Technology Research Centre. Its objective is twofold:
• Development of a new method to deposit thin, homogeneous layers of anti-icing coatings for large aeronautical components with complex geometry (e.g., leading edges). The aim is to apply the coating development and application processes in a single step, thus optimising the cost.
• Development of a new method to deposit conductive coatings for composites applied in aeronautics. Depending on the specifications (e.g., good adhesion, electrical conductivity, and shielding properties), it will be used to develop a solution for a tough material coating that meets various requirements related to the required properties.

The "E-FLIGHT"project is funded by the Basque Government's Aid Programme to Support Business R&D - HAZITEK. This project is co-financed by the Basque Government, through its Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).



Applied Research on Multifunctional Coatings to Integrate Photovoltaics in Distributed Applications.

The aim of the competitive Hazitek EKICOAT project (ZE-2022/00261) is to obtain a new range of multifunctional coatings for composite photovoltaic (PV) modules capable of improving optical properties and photovoltaic performance, as well as providing additional properties to minimise wear and tear (e.g., in the soiling/cleaning processes) or damage (e.g., due to abrasion). These losses will be minimized by optimising the formulation and controlled thicknesses during application and seeking multifunctionality (e.g., UV blocker, anti-abrasion, anti-dirt, etc.).

Under the leadership of INMOMAT, MUGAPE has worked on the deposition techniques of the coatings developed by INNOMAT on composite photovoltaic modules using their own technology.

Today's society demands a more sustainable level of electricity consumption. Photovoltaic energy has the potential to contribute to renewable energy generation within the framework of a distributed energy generation system. To make this new energy consumption scheme a reality, it is necessary to develop technology that allows the integration of photovoltaics into applications. Some examples of innovative solutions which can be solved by the incorporation of photovoltaic elements made of composite include: (1) in buildings to replace traditional building materials; (2) in the envelope of electric vehicles; and (3) in floating structures to replace existing glass structures, whose mooring requires complex anchorages.

The main purpose of this project is to obtain multifunctional coatings for photovoltaic cells that meet the following requirements:

• High optical transmittance, UV-blocking, anti-abrasion, anti-soiling, etc.
• Anti-reflective properties allowing for the minimisation of optical losses that occur at the air-composite interface.
• High durability and resistance to environmental conditions (e.g., UV radiation, humidity, and thermal cycling) to protect the module exposed to these agents.

MUGAPE’s main task is to optimise the deposition of the coatings developed on composite photovoltaic modules. MUGAPE will work on: (1) optimising thickness, as it must be much thinner than those currently used for other applications; and (2) homogenising the coating by considering the complex geometry that integrable modules may require. Therefore, the project focuses on the development of a multifunctional coating, which will complement and enhance the durability performance of the PV module under various environmental working conditions. This coating will combine: (1) optics aimed at maximising photovoltaic generation; and (2) protection from environmental agents and other foreseeable damage generated under normal usage conditions (e.g., soiling, fingerprints, abrasion, etc.). Currently, there are no commercial coatings specifically for composite substrates that provide an appropriate balance of protection and optical performance. The new coating may be different, given that different technological lines are envisioned for its design.

The technology developed is intended to provide the composite with the required multifunctionality, thus making up for the composite’s current shortcomings, as compared to glass photovoltaic modules.

The project is led by INNOMAT Coatings, in partnership with MUGAPE. In addition, it is a collaboration with the Tecnalia Technology Research Centre.

Photo courtesy of Tecnalia. Composite photovoltaic module



Circularity strategies for the reduction of energy costs, thanks to the generation of new photovoltaic technologies.

Mugape's contribution to this project consists of developing anti-reflective coatings with anti-soiling properties on glass, with the purpose of obtaining photovoltaic modules with high conversion efficiencies and durability.

Additionally, Mugape will also work on optimizing the application process of these coatings.

SUNRISE PV strengthens technological capabilities for secure and sustainable energy autonomy (fusion, hydrogen, and renewables) in different stages of the value chain. This is the mission pursued by the SUNRISE PV project. To this end, solutions and innovations are sought that respond to this challenge and those contemplated in the Mission.

In this respect, the project's research focuses on the following points:

• New materials and manufacturing processes for photovoltaic modules and the other components: the aim is to achieve greater conversion efficiency and reduced manufacturing costs.
• New operation and maintenance processes to achieve a more durable, efficient, and reliable use of photovoltaic systems.
• New recovery and reuse processes for critical materials and components in the photovoltaic solar energy value chain: with the aim of increasing their value and reducing the impact of the technology on the environment.
• Optimize the production of renewable photovoltaic energy with a highly significant reduction in the energy and financial costs of this technology (LCOE improvement).
• Achieve significant progress in the efficiency, flexibility, and manageability of PV plants, within a framework of environmental, economic, and social sustainability.

The project, with a planned execution period of 2022-2025, is led by MAGTEL and has the collaboration of the companies CEGASA, CEN SOLUTIONS, ISFOC, MONDRAGON, MUGAPE, SOLTEC, TÉCNICAS REUNIDAS, as well as the collaboration of the following research organisations: TECNALIA, AICIA, CETIM, IKERLAN. It is subsidised by the CDTI and the "Next Generation EU" Funds.



Optimising operation and maintenance activities in floating wind turbines.

The aim of the strategic Hazitek project, FLOAT&M (ZE-2021/00042), which is being developed between 2021 and 2023, is to offer a comprehensive solution focused on the operations and maintenance of floating offshore wind turbines. MUGAPE participates in this project by developing coating solutions for floating platforms that, on the one hand, increase the service life of the materials and, on the other, simplify and ease their maintenance operations.

The flourishing and innovative floating wind industry has become one of the key present and future options for renewable energy generation, offering a clear alternative for the reduction of CO2 emissions.

The main driving force of this project is to address the challenges that arise within the operation and maintenance (O&M) services for offshore wind energy developments. Improving efficiency, facilitating condition monitoring and reducing personnel interventions are critical to increase the competitiveness of the projects.

That is why, through the development of new technologies, FLOAT&M aims to take advantage of the know-how and experience gained in research and development regarding new equipment, such as drones, robots and connectors, digital solutions and new materials and also anti-corrosion solutions with the ai m to offer the offshore wind market a competitive technology-based solution.

The project is led by Saitec Offshore Technologies and, in addition to MUGAPE, other companies in the offshore wind value chain are participating, such as Aeroblade, Alerion, Egoa Energía, Sener, Nautilus, Ditrel, Vicinay Cadenas, Lumiker, Vicinay Sestao, Core Marine, Sidenor, Inalia and Navacel. It also has the collaboration of research centres such as Tecnalia, Tekniker, CEIT, Azterlan, MU, Sidenor R&D and Vicinay Marine Innovación.

FLOAT&M represents a unique opportunity for the Basque Country and highlights the strengths of the participating companies. In addition, collaboration is fostered that will enable Basque industry to gain an edge in the market.

The results generated by this initiative will increase the reliability of floating offshore wind assets, reduce the hours of non-operation, monitor the status of the wind asset allowing the implementation of improved operation and maintenance strategies, reducing the need for access to the floating platform, improving the safety of the people involved in the operation of the facilities and, finally, contributing to the sustainability of the continued operation of offshore wind turbines, thus increasing their service life.

The ZE-2021/00042 project has a budget of 4 M€ for the period 2021-2023 and is financed by the Hazitek Programme of the Basque Government, with support from the European Regional Development Fund..

Photo courtesy of Saitec Offshore Technologies.



Design and development of a new technology for the application of a prime multimaterial.

This project, developed jointly with ORBEA, and with the support of the CIDETEC Technology Centre, aims to develop a multi-material primer (aluminium, plastic, magnesium, steel, etc.), which can be used for bicycles, regardless of the type of substrate.

The project involves a primer for bicycles, which includes an optimisation of the levelling capacity and the protection of the substrate by creating a barrier against moisture and condensation on these surfaces, which also work in aggressive conditions, while keeping the aesthetics and a wide range of colours. Simultaneously, work will be carried out on the industrialisation of this technology, by designing a process capable of carrying out the automatic priming of the products.

The project, developed during 2020-2021, is funded by the Hazitek Programme of the Basque Government, with support from the European Regional Development Fund.



MUGAPE has been awarded the innovative SME label. An acknowledgement of our innovative character.

In recent years, MUGAPE has been working on the development of new production processes that will allow the company to remain at the technological forefront in terms of applying high-performance surface finishes. With this aim in mind, the company makes the most of its highly qualified human resources, with the support of R&D projects, both internal and subsidised by public tenders. This bet has paid off and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has granted us the Innovative SME seal, a recognition reserved for companies that carry out activities in the field of research, technological development or innovation (R+D+i).
We have been awarded this distinction because we met the requirements of the Tax Agency to apply a deduction in the Corporate Income Tax as a result of the development of innovative activities and projects. The company has a large, highly skilled, scientific and technical team with extensive experience in the field of developing new coatings, and also has suitable facilities to carry out research activities.

Obtaining this seal is an endorsement that allows us to objectively demonstrate our innovative character. Now that we have obtained the Innovative SME seal, we are part of the group of just over 2000 Spanish companies that have been awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation for their pioneering character and contribution to technological progress.. Barely 0.1% of the companies active in Spain are considered to be innovative and we now join this group of privileged companies (in the Basque Country, the number of companies that have this seal does not even reach 100) that are committed to increasing innovation, an aspect that is a constant in the company's development and in the creation of new business units.



Development of innovative and comprehensive solutions for foundations, towers and auxiliary systems of high-power offshore wind turbines.

The objective of the SEAPOWER project is to promote research and collaborative development of technologies and solutions for offshore wind structures, towers and auxiliary systems for the new generation of high-power wind turbines.

The project is led by the engineering firm, SENER, which will also coordinate activities related to the floating solution. The other leading Basque engineering firm, IDOM, will be responsible for the fixed solution, whilst two important companies in the manufacture of structures, HAIZEA WIND and NAVACEL, will lead the packages related to the XXL towers and the transition parts, respectively. The consortium is rounded off with ALKARGO, manufacturer of transformers; DITREL, developer of an innovative electrical connection concept at the base of the wind turbine; ERREKA, manufacturer of anchoring solutions for offshore wind power; JASO Tower Cranes, specialist in lifting systems; MUGAPE, expert in anti-corrosion surface coatings and NAUTILUS Floating Solutions, developer of its own floating platform concept. The consortium is also supported by two centres of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTI) -Tecnalia and Tekniker.

The project has a budget of € 5.3M for the period 2019-2021 and is funded by the Basque Government's Hazitek Programme, with support from the European Fund´s Regional Development.


SURCAR CIEN (2017-2019)

Technological development for new automotive components with advanced functional finishes

The main objective of SURCAR project is generate new automotive products with high functional quality through the advanced manufacturing technology development for the application of new coatings and last generation substrates, that endow to parts with new anti-footprint, anticorrosion, anticondensation and easy-to-clean properties.

The challenge of Mugape is the development of a new technology and new coating to achieve excellent aesthetic and functional features, anticorrosion, in trims-bumpers of cars.

The project, led by MAIER S. COOP has the collaboration of FICOMIRRORS, S.A., ATOTECH ESPAÑA, S.A., MUGAPE, S.L., ELIX POLYMERS, S.L., CROMOGENIA UNITS, S.A., MONOCROM, S.L. y AUTOMATIZACIO DE PROCESSOS I MEDIAMBIENT S.L. companies, in addition to the collaboration of the FUNDACIÓN CIDETEC, LEITAT TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER, FUNDACIÓN TEKNIKER, Institut Catalá d´Investigació Química y Universitat Rovira i Virgili technological centers.


BIOTIDENT Hazitek competitivo (2017-2018)

Advanced dental implant based on a highly biocompatible beta titanium alloy with functionalized surface.

The objective of BioTiDent project if the development of advanced dental implants from a highly biocompatible β titanium alloy with a functionalized bioactive and antibacterial surface for a good osteointegration and injection prevention that provides to the future patients with highly satisfactory use and an improved quality of life.

The new surface treatment that Mugape will develop, together with RVCTI agent IK4-TEKNIKER, in the framework of this project, on new commercial titanium alloys, which guarantees the bioactivity of implant, will imply a higher technological value and a better specific performance.


FUNCIONA Hazitek estratégico (2016-2018)

Products with customized functionality through adaptable and versatile technologies.

The overall objective of the FunciONA4 project is the development of custom functional products through adaptable and versatile technologies that allow to the participating companies to differentiate themselves with new customized functionalities adapted to market demand.

The main technological challenge that Mugape addresses in this project is the development of innovative surface treatments, mainly electrochemical and chemical, with tribological, aesthetic, anticorrosive and antifouling purposes to be applied to different products of the consortium´s companies that require it.

The Project led by ORBEA S.COOP.LTDA, MAIER S. COOP., ASEA BROWN BOVERI, S.A., AMPO SOC. COOP., MUGAPE, S.L., GRUPO EMPRESARIAL IRURENA, S.L., CIKAUTXO, S.COOP., in addition to the collaboration of CIDETEC, LEITAT TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER, FUNDACIÓN TEKNIKER, Institut Catalá d´Investigació Química y Universitat Rovira i Virgili.


OFFCOAT Retos (2016-2018)

New anticorrosive systems for wind tower is marine environments

The main objective of the project is to achieve an innovative technological solution, based on fundamental research and development of components/process, applied on Offshore systems, by the generation of a “bilayer” coating that provides chemical adherence to the substrate and an optimal anticorrosive protection through a stepped structure design of materials that favors its integration and has as response a system durability increase.

The Project, led by Mugape, S.L. has the collaboration of the following research organizations: Fundació Bosch i Gimpera Universitat de Barcelona, Centro de Proyección Térmica (CPT) and Centro Tecnológico de Miranda de Ebro (CTME).


NOVACOLOR Hazitek (2016-2017)

New generation of high-performance colored iron soles through eco-efficient process.

The main objective of the NOVACOLOR project is de development of a new generation of iron soles that allow to the iron manufacturers to increase their range of references.

Through these actions, new advanced materials are expected to be developed, which not only would place MUGAPE and AZPIARAN in a technological vanguard position at Euskadi level, but also allow them to introduce to new market niches in the European framework.

The NOVACOLOR project is led by two Basque industrial SMEs: MUGAPE and AZPIARAN and has the collaboration of the IK4-CIDETEC Technology Center.


MAURA Hazitek (2015-2016)

Advanced materials for aerospace reflector tools.

The overall objective of the MAURA project is the research and development of advanced composite materials for the manufacture of Aerospace Reflector Tools with reduced expansion coefficient and suitable mechanical properties, whose machining process becomes competitive in time and cost, so as to give rise to a high performance final product with a price below the market..

The product that is outlined to be developed is very attractive for large companies in the aerospace sector, both national and international. The alliance between the Mugape and Mekatar companies for their commercial exploitation represents a clear strength that facilitates access to the international market.


TURBOGREEN Hazitek (2015-2016)

New generation of green turbochargers for greater durability.

The objective of this project is to manufacture turbochargers with better performance and a longer useful life than those currently commercialized, through the implementation of an improved and eco-efficiency process. For this, in the framework of the project, innovative TiO2 coatings with higher corrosion resistance and durability will be obtained, based on the improvement of the anodic electrodeposition process developed by MUGAPE.

Thanks to this project, Mugape will be able to obtain and offer the market a new advanced turbocharger concept, with superior durability under use conditions. Besides, it will be able to have a repetitive and reproducible productive process over time, which is scalable at industrial level.

The developed process will be of interest to other applications and other industrial sectors. And it will strengthen MUGAPE's position as a leading company in its various markets, as well as expand its current business lines.

The project is led by Mugape and has the collaboration of the IK4-Cidetec technology center.


CERAWIND Gaitek (2014-2015)

Development of high durability coupling arm with bilayer coating in critical corrosion and abrasion offshore environments.

The main objective of the project is the development of a new coupling arm for the 6 MW offshore wind turbine through the application of a low-thickness plastic-ceramic coating, with anticorrosive properties and good adherence that prolongs its durability in extremely corrosive environments.

The consortium created to tackle the project has extensive experience both in the field of surface treatment development and in the field of offshore wind energy. It is composed by INNOMAT and MUGAPE companies, belonging to the ESTALKI CORPORATION XXI business group, specialized in surface treatments, and MEKATAR, a company specialized in high-precision machining for demanding sectors such as aeronautics or wind energy. The consortium will also have the collaboration of the IK4-CIDETEC Technology Center.


AUTOKOMPON Etorgai (2012-2014)

Last generation new materials and smart coatings for the car.

The main objective of the AUTOKONPON project is to develop last generation new materials and smart coatings that allow to obtain an innovative generation of automotive products and secondary components that have auto-repairing, anti-scratch and anti-abrasion properties. MUGAPE's activity is focused on the development of anodizing baths capable of generating self-repairing coatings with high corrosion resistance and high durability.



ECOPISTON Gaitek (2013-2014)

New range of more efficient and environmentally friendly aluminum pistons.

The objective of NOVACOLOR project is manufacture a new concept of aluminum piston much more ecological than the currently commercialized, with the capacity to improve the efficiency of the combustion process and reduce the pollution gases emissions. To achieve this challenge, the research will be focused on studying the way to increase the thickness of TiO2 ceramic coatings obtained by anodic electrodeposition.

The project is led by MUGAPE company, with the collaboration of INNOMAT COATINGS, S.L. and with the IK4-CIDETEC Technology Center.

TiO2 coated piston